The People Impact

IMG_8728Whether we like it or not, the people we surround ourselves with reflect who we are and what we stand for. This very reason is why it is extremely important to be very picky when it comes to friends, co-workers, and peers. The people around us can have either a positive, neutral, or negative effect.

When a person has a positive effect, they tend to push and motivate you to do things that will help you be a better person or fulfill a goal. However, that is not the limit. People have a huge impact in our lives, whether it is short term or long term. I have only a few people who I am close to that have a positive impact. With out them, I probably would not be writing my blog today. These people help me realize my dream and give me a drive to keep moving forward, but they also make me see reality.

With being polar opposite, it is not a surprise that a negative effect can hinder many aspects in your life. The people that have a negative effect are toxic human beings and only care about their personal gain. Now I am not an expert. I am simply sharing from my experiences. Sometimes it is not in our control whether a person has a negative or positive effect on ourselves, but what you do with that person is entirely up to you and only you. The decision has to come from you that this person will not negatively effect you, simply because you deserve better than that. As well as the fact that they, the negative effecting person, does not deserve a reaction from you. The best thing to do is rise above it. I know it sounds totally cliche, but thats the truth and that is life.

Say it with me: I will not let anybody negatively effect. I deserve better than that. I deserve happiness and love.

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